Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Design

I redesigned the blog a little bit with the background and such. Let me know if you like it!

1 comment:

  1. As blogger to blogger, I love your blog. Your writing style is finesse, but the looks are horrendous. The color scheme is everywhere from shades of blue to yellow to green! Your blog is unappealing to the eye. The font is not easy to look at with it being yellow and eye straining. Perhaps you should get the colors of you gear and incorporate them into your blog. My gear is prominently white primary and a little black, look at my blog. Wouldn’t you say my blog is easy to read. My blog doesn’t take up the whole screen, and my font is simple. The colors blend well and make sense. I'm not trying to bash on you but I actually see lots of potential, I kind of see your blog like mine in the beginning.

    If you need any help on your blog I am here:

    ~Keep It Dead @
