In addition to the exciting event of getting 200 views on this blog, Wizard101 has had a whole host of new updates. Nothing very new but many many changes!
You can click on official announcements link at the top of this page to see the complete list of new updates!
Now some people were disappointed that the tag game was not released off the test realm. But apparently not many people read Professor Greyrose say that it would released some time late this year.
I for one am glad they responded to some major player feedback in these updates and glad they are able to get focused on many issues at once.
One of the updates that I and many other housing freaks are happy about is the addition of MANY more music scrolls! Made even more exciting by the fact that they put many in bold on the update notes!
Players are already trying desperately to find out the drops of all of them and it is progress quickly down at the Complete Guide to Music Scrolls guide on central! See if you can help them out!
Also in other spiral news: THE CHILLANTHROPIST IS BACK ON HIS BLOG WITH HIS FASCINATING INSIGHTS IN THE GAME! You can check out his blog on the sidebar!
Also in worldwide spiral news: WIZARD101 IS AVAILABLE IN MORE PLACES THAN EVER! Not only the UK but Wizard101 is now featured in places such as Poland and Germany (soon china!) Check out the whole list on Official Announcements tab at the top of the page!
Another one of the bigger updates included in Kingsisle's list is the (rather late) change of taking out all crown items from spiral vendors and putting them in the crown shop! Now they are all in once place so you don't have to ask a higher level friend to take you somewhere so you can buy your favorite item! Also some of the prices of these items have even been reduced!
Another exciting housing update is that for most (but not all!) limit 1 housing items, the limits have been removed! That is good news for statue collectors if they have a collection of their favorite statue and want to proudly display them all!
Also in case you missed BlueDevil's very first Wizard101 murder mystery party, hawkie409 will be hosting another of these dazzling deadly doom filled parties! Find out who you are and find the murderer! You can find out more here!
Also Paige has posted some fascinating new pictures in her latest housing showcase! You can check it out on the link to her blog on the sidebar!
As for me: I have some interesting new housing projects I am thinking about posting up here (if I decide to go through with them) Also, I am closer than ever to finishing Valkoor's Story! I also need to practice the tours I give through it because the whole event relies on that. So be sure to check back for updates as to when you can sign up on the Valkoor's Story Spiral Tour!
There are many other updates I could post but these are the highlights for me!
So until next time wizards: I have no slogan!